b/or/der st/or/ies – Intervention in the permanent exhibition of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum

Borderstories takes place as an intervention in the permanent exhibition of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, and deals with the question of “or”: because people are affected very differently by borders depending on their origin.

Although the world appears increasingly interconnected today, borders continue to be used around the world to restrict freedom of movement and perpetuate social inequalities.

In the “Cologne Box,” local voices of those affected have their say. In addition, results of research conducted by two PhD students of the University of Cologne on local border dynamics in East Africa and on the Spanish-Moroccan border will be presented.

On the one hand, the intervention provides information on the growing isolation of Europe using the example of the border towns of Melilla and Nador. Second, it shows how colonial powers in Africa used borders strategically to exercise power, and how neocolonial interests continue to shape local border dynamics today. In addition, however, there are many examples of resistant practice.

In addition to the exhibition, a broad accompanying program will be offered. In addition, the exhibition will be digitally enhanced through a homepage and a student social media project, ultimately breaking the boundaries of the museum itself.

Website: https://borderstories.de/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/b_or_der_st_or_ies/



Katrin Sowa & Sofie Steinberger (University of Cologne)

Pamoja Africa e.V.

Alliance 14 Africa

The event is sponsored by the City of Cologne and the Global South Studies Center.

Exhibition period: 25.5. until 27.8.2023
Opening hours RJM: Tue-Sun 10am-6pm, Thu 10am-8pm, 1st Thu in the month: 10am-2pm, (on holidays 10am-6pm), Mon closed

Vernissage and panel discussion on 25.05.2023, 6 p.m.

Guided tour on 03.06.2023, 11 a.m.: https://african-futures.koeln/events/b-or-der-st-or-ies-fuehrung-durch-die-ausstellung/


b/or/der st/or/ies – Intervention in the permanent exhibition of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum


May 30 2023 - Jun 11 2023


Tue-Sun 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Thu 10 a.m.-8 p.m., 1st Thu in the month: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., (on holidays 10 a.m.-6 p.m.), Mon closed
All Day




7 €, ermäßigt: 4,50 € (Eintrittspreis RJM)


African Futures Köln – gemeinsam auf dem Weg

