African Futures All around 2023
Politics | Society | Science | Economy | Art | Culture
A little review and a big thank you!
Around 100 events in two weeks – African Futures – All Around transformed Cologne between May 30 and June 11 into a stage for science, socio-political and development discussions, workshops, theater, dance, performance, film, music and literature.
We are happy that this program has found such a great approval and thank you for the great participation and all visitors for being there!
We would like to emphasize the commitment and dedication of all cooperation partners, without whom the program would not have been possible. We would also like to thank all other sponsors, partners and media partners for their support.
The European Conference on African Studies, ECAS for short, of the University of Cologne, taking place under the title African Futures, was the occasion for this large public program for all citizens throughout Cologne.
African Futures was about common challenges and future issues that affect our relations and connections to the African continent and our living together here on the ground. These relationships are also shaped by the colonial legacy. The city of Cologne is committed to actively working through this (post)colonial legacy and to addressing the question of what this shared history means for living together in Cologne today.
We hope that African Futures – All Around was able to inspire us to continue to reach out to each other, to meet at eye level and to see the opportunities for joint, intensive cooperation.
Press comments
Spaces for encounters
"African Futures - All around" presents a colorful program on the future of Africa
New image of Africa - African Futures Cologne 2023 offers a rich program
Choices 23.05.2023
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